Artist Bio

The illustration on the American Icon packaging is the work of artist Chris Dunlop. Chris Dunlop (aka Pinstripe Chris) is an automotive design and render artist based out of Southern California. He started out as an automotive painter that specialized in custom paint and high-end restoration work on Classics & Exotics in Rockville, Maryland. From there he began airbrushing, doing sharpie art, and pinstriping. Soon after he was doing his artwork nearly full time, he was dubbed “Pinstripe Chris”.

Chris’ passion lies in custom cars, hot rods, and exotics- there’s always a variety of artwork in the works to keep things fresh and is never limited to one genre. He also offers design consulting and quick renders to test out build ideas, paint schemes and modifications efficiently. From there, quick sketches & renders are used in the basis for the final artwork.
